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Faret Tachikawa Art 2022 calendar is now on sale!

TOPICS 2021.11.22

An original calendar for 2022 featuring winning entries from the 7th Faret Tachikawa Art Photo Contest has been completed!

It is an A5-size desktop type, and each month’s calendar is designed to be used as a post card.
The “depth” and “interest” of “Faret Tachikawa Art”, which is overlooked in daily life without being conscious of it, are beautifully expressed in a perspective full of originality.

Calendars are being sold at the following 3 locations for 550 yen (tax included)!!
Since this year, it has also been available at the Tamashin Museum at the head office of Tama Shinkin Bank in GREEN SPRINGS.
All profits will be used for the conservation and utilization of Faret Tachikawa Art.

retail store
●Tamashin Museum Shop (Tachikawa Midorimachi 3 -4 Tama Shinkin Bank Main Store 1F)
●Orion Shobo Norte (2 -42 Akebono-cho, Tachikawa-shi, -1 Park Avenue, 3rd floor)
●Cafe Haamonyi ♪ (Tachikawa Izumi-cho 1156 -9 Tachikawa City Hall 1F)
*It is also available at the following “Faret Tachikawa Art Management Committee Secretariat”

*27 years have passed since the completion of Faret Tachikawa Art, and there are many cases of deterioration and damage that public art outdoors cannot avoid. We hope that many of you will understand and support our activities so that we can continue to implement our conservation activities in the future.
We look forward to your continued support for Faret Tachikawa Art.

Contact Us
Faret Tachikawa Art Administration Committee Secretariat (Tachikawa City Department of Industry, Culture and Sports, Regional Culture Section)
TEL: 042-523-2111 (extension 4501) Email: